Mobile Bidding & Live Auction Platform

Transform your fundraising events with ease! Seamlessly manage live and silent auctions, streamline mobile bidding, and host impactful paddle raises, all from one powerful platform.

Experience unparalleled competitive bidding, outbid notifications, raffle ticket purchases, fixed-price items, and more.

Host your auctions effortlessly with Eventlify's user-friendly event management software, built for virtual, hybrid, and in-person experiences.

Online Bidding

Allow guests to place bids from anywhere, anytime, ensuring maximum participation and excitement during your auctions.

Real-Time Notifications

Keep your bidders engaged with instant updates and bidding activity to enhance their experience.

Simple Payments

Allow attendees to store a card on file and choose to pay using cash, check, or credit card through a convenient self-checkout experience.

Connect More People to Your Cause

Online Bidding introduces the best facets of the mobile bidding experience.

Eventlify provides you with all the tools necessary to host an online auction. Experience the ease of use and heightened competition — adding new enthusiasm to your fundraiser and a way to increase bidding participation.

Manage Your Auction With Ease

Streamline your auction setup, track bids in real-time, and maximize your fundraising efforts with our user-friendly platform. From item listings to secure payments, we've got everything covered.

Automated Bidding

Automate silent auction item closing times, set starting and reserve bid prices, enable “Buy Now,” and set automatic max bids

In-Depth Reporting

Filter dashboards or export reports for insights into your online auction’s performance.

Live Displays

Create digital displays to showcase current and recent bids or display your total raised.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. Mobile bidding is versatile and works for in-person, virtual, and hybrid events. This flexibility allows anyone to participate from anywhere, expanding your audience and boosting engagement, even if attendees can’t be present physically.
Yes. You can enable a "Buy It Now" feature for select items. This allows bidders to bypass the auction process and purchase items outright at a fixed price.
Mobile bidding simplifies auction management by automating bid tracking, increasing participant engagement, and expanding the reach of your auction beyond the event location.
No download is necessary. Eventlify is web-based, so participants can access the auction through their device’s browser.
Not at all. Eventlify's intuitive platform guides you through the setup process. You’ll be guided through uploading items, setting bid parameters, and customizing your event. Plus, our support team is available to help if needed.

Ready for your live demo?

Hosting a large or complex event? Call our experts at (800) 961-6554 for help getting started.